Training Program

Module 1: Led by Cristina
Introduction of the modules. Concept of System. Open and closed systems. Change. Communication. Rules that govern communication. 
Communication models. Introduction to systemic thought. Introduction to the principles of systemic configurations. Phenomenology. 
Bert Hellinger’s biography.
Principles of Bert Hellinger’s philosophy.
New contributions and experiences through the training in Hellinger Science.
The Orders of Love in our relationships. Belonging. Who belongs to the family system. Workplace system. Business system.
Types of constellations: family, organizational, systemic medicine, systemic pedagogy,  legal.
Experiential exercises and visualization work.
Constellation Workshop and Systemic Solutions.
Modules 2 and 3: Led by Cathy and Gerry
Theoretical-experiential encounter.
Case and video analysis. Films and exchange.
Practice. Healing movements. 
Working with autobiography.
Module 4: Led by Cristina
Conscience as equilibrium in relationships.
Conscience and connections. Conscience and balance. Conscience and order. Interaction of needs for connection, balance, and order.
Feelings. Meta-feelings. Guilt. Arrogance. Atonement. Implications. Relationships. Transference. Double transference. 
Application of these concepts to business.
Experiential exercises. Visualization work. 
Constellation Workshop and Systemic Solutions.
Modules 5 and 6:  Taught by Cathy and Gerry
Theoretical-experimental encounter.
Case and video analysis. Films and exchange.
Practice. Healing movements.
Working with autobiography.
Module 7:  Led by Cristina
Men and women.
Couples. Giving and taking. Unity and Diversity.
The maternal and the paternal between man and woman.
How love is achieved. The priority of couple’s relationships.
Blended family and love orders.
Former partners. Second partners. Married couples or mixed partnerships.
Marriage between spouses of different nationalities.
Separation. Healthy separation. Divorce and relationship between former spouses and their children.
Family violence. Love and order. Connection with the family of origin.
Family businesses. Dynamics. Solutions.
Experiential work with images.
Constellation Workshop and Systemic Solutions.
Modules 8 and 9: Led by Cathy and Gerry
Theoretical-experimental encounter.
Case and video analysis. 
Practice. Healing movements. Films and exchange.
Working with autobiography.
Module 10: Led by Cristina
Family. Belonging. Good. Bad. Excluded.
Maternity. Paternity. Difficulty to conceive. Children that are born dead.
Unborn children.
Children from former marriages. Ill or difficult children. Children deceased at an early age.
Children who are adopted or given into adoption. Family secrets.
Order of origin. Genogram. Personal family map.
Older parents. Ill parents. Deceased parents. Early death of parents.
What heals and what produces illness in the family.
Unconscious loyalties in business and family.
Experiential work with images. Practice with elements in individual session.
Constellation Workshop and Systemic Solutions.
Modules 11 and 12: Led by Cathy and Gerry
Theoretical-experimental encounter.
Case and video analysis. Films and exchange.
Practice. Healing movements. Practice with elements in individual session.
Working with autobiography.
Module 13: Led by Cristina
Mourning. Rituals utilized in Constellations.
Orders of Help. The solutions in Constellations. Inner images or scripts that bind or liberate.
The limitations of the actions that help.
What does it mean to help? Help in the legal area. Systemic help.
Solutions from a systemic perspective. Good help. The art of helping.
Conflict. Complexity. Phases of conflict. Escalation. De-escalation.
Attitudes towards conflict. Conflict and peace. Conflict and conscience.
Conscious conscience. 
Constellations as intervention and diagnosis of conflict.
Family conflicts. Workplace conflicts. Business conflicts. Social conflicts.
Experiential work and through images.
Modules 14 and 15: Led by Cathy and Gerry
Theoretical-experimental encounter.
Case and video analysis. Films and exchange.
Practice. Healing movements. Practice with elements in individual session.
Working with autobiography.
Module 16: Led by Cristina
Family Constellations. Intervention. Diagnosis. Opportunity.
Things that should be considered. Important data.
Bert Hellinger’s new contributions through Hellinger Science.
How to proceed in Family Constellations.
Multidimensional Constellations.
Soul movements. Spirit movements.
The systemic way to proceed. The Constellation Facilitator’s attitude. Ethics. Being attuned. The limits of Constellations.
Solutions. Solution phrases. Representatives. The client. The topic.
The area of knowledge or morphic fields.
Types of Constellations. Perception. The interview.
Perception exercises. Work with images.
Constellation Workshop and Systemic Solutions.
Modules 17 and 18: Led by Cathy and Gerry
Theoretical-experimental encounter.
Case and video analysis. Films and exchange.
Practice. Healing movements. Practice with elements in individual session.
Working with autobiography.
Module 19: Led by Cristina
Different intervention modalities with Constellations and systemic solutions.
Legal Constellations. Organizational. Workplace. Family. 
Individual sessions or encounters. Group sessions or encounters. Work in group and with images.
Constellating without constellating. Healthy image. Work with objects.
Experiential work with images.
Constellation Workshop and Systemic Solutions.
CERTIFICATION - aptitude exam as a Constellation Facilitator.
In order to be certified as a Constellations Facilitator students must: complete all the required modules and 80% of the elective modules and workshops; complete and submit their autobiography; attend at least one retreat; participate in practical workshops; and take a final examination.
The certificate will be issued by the Center of Family Constellations and Systemic Solutions in Chile. The graduate’s name and information will be posted in the Center’s web page.
Those who wish to take the modules without necessarily obtaining the certification must complete all the required modules, attend the workshops, participate from at least one retreat, and submit their autobiography.